We are proud to announce that Cameron Metcalfe has transitioned from his role as Operations Coordinator to Junior Operations Manager within Five Star Events Group.
Cameron started life with Five Star as a Crew Member back in 2019, and quickly joined the office ranks. Since then, his hard work and dedication has lead to him progressing with the company at an impressive rate.

When did you first join Five Star?
I first joined Five Star in September 2019 as an Intro crew member.
What attracted you to the company?
I think the thing that attracted me to the company was the variety in jobs that Five Star did, working in many different venues across London, not every day was going to be the same thing.
You started as a crew person, what was that like?
It was really good! Again, I think just the fact that not every day was going to be the same, meeting a whole lot of people from different backgrounds on site and getting to go to some of London’s best venues and see how the different events all came together was really exciting.
How did you find the transition to the office, how did it compare to site life?
I’ve always been computer savvy so making the transition into the office was quite easy, I just needed to learn the processes of the company and the backend of scheduling, which I think I picked up quite quickly.
Did working onsite help you transition into the office?
It does definitely help coming from on site as it gives you a bit more of an understanding on shift timings, what a shift may be about, importance of crew consistency.
What are your goals for the future within Five Star?
To just continue doing what I have been doing for the past few years, showing my reliability and dedication to the company and hopefully continue to move up within the ranks.
In this new venture, Cameron is set to play a crucial role in keeping our London region thriving and growing. We’re excited to see what’s in store for him and the team as they reach new heights and make some great strides together.